Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to work


I went back to work last week, kinda sux after being off for a month! But the cool thing is that my boss told me I can bring Talan with me for a month or two. That is such a relief! I would be way to sad if I had to be away from him every day all ready. I work in a Nursing Home in the medical office doing medical records. I got my own office and everything a couple of weeks before he was born. So the other day was my first day back and he went with me. I only stayed about 5 hours. It was really cool being able to see him all day and hold him while I worked. My boss is awesome!!


Skeemer Land said...

Shayla you are such a good Mom. Thanks for sharing him with us. Love Ya.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Lorie! That makes me feel so good, I want to be the best mom I can be, I want to be there for him always, and I don't want to miss a thing, that's why I feel so blessed that he can accompany me to work. You are a good mom also, I feel like you are a second mom to me as well! Luv ya